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Rose-Breasted Galah Cockatoos for Sale


Breed: Cockatoo Parrots

Species: Rose-Breasted Galah Cockatoo

Age: 1.6 years

Reservation: Yes


Rose breasted cockatoo for sale

Introducing the charming rose-breasted cockatoo, a delightful companion for those seeking a loving pet. While these galah cockatoos for sale may not be as cuddly as their Moluccan counterparts, they thrive on interaction and are well-acquainted with handling. If you’re considering bringing one of these beautiful cockatoos for sale into your home, be prepared to dedicate ample time to their care. As social beings, they can become unhappy or destructive if neglected. Explore our selection of cockatoos for sale near me and find your perfect feathered friend today!

Speech and Vocalizations of rose breasted cockatoo for sale

Wild galahs emit loud, high-pitched sounds while flying in flocks. They can make a resonating screech when frightened, excited, or calling out for attention. This clever bird can imitate people’s voices and repetitive sounds like train whistles, car horns, or telephone ringtones. Some say males are more prolific talkers than females.

Comparatively, the galah cockatoo is not particularly loud for a cockatoo, which is among the loudest of parrots. Still, this bird is not recommended for apartment or condo living. It usually has two noisy periods, once upon waking with the sun and at dusk.

Caring for a Galah Cockatoo for sale

Your bird will want to spend a considerable amount of time with you and will be a reasonably high-maintenance pet. If you are short on time for interaction, this bird might be happier housed with another galah.

These parrots need sound sleep in a dark, quiet place that mimics the safety of the roosting areas that they prefer when living in the wild. Covering the bird’s cage at night usually reassures them.

This bird is not a large parrot but still requires plenty of space. At the very least, it needs a 4-foot-square cage


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